The Life of Despot Stefan Lazarević by Konstantin the Philosopher (after 1433), III

  1. Tran. note: Orhan Ghazi, second sultan of the Ottoman empire. ↩︎
  2. Tran. note: Murad I (1326-1389), third sultan of the Ottman Empire. ↩︎
  3. Tran. note: The 1389 Battle of Kosovo. ↩︎
  4. Tran. note: Unnamed here, this is hero is first named as Miloš Kobila (Kobilić/Obilić) by Konstanin Mihailović in his Memoirs of a Jannissary. ↩︎
  5. Tran. note: Bayezid I (c.1360-1403), who was there with his father Murad I and his brother Yakub. After the death of Murad, he quickly had his brother executed and assumed command and the throne. ↩︎

Translated by Books of Jeremiah

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